Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Power of Mind

â€Å"The power of the mind† The Human Mind is a very unique gift Heavenly Father has given us. It is the most powerful and precious gift ever given to any living thing that have ever walked and that will yet to walk the earth in the years ahead. The mind alone stands out from anything. It has the power to make the invisible visible and the undoable doable. 100 years back, human kind would never believed nor willing to entertain the idea of traveling from one country to another using the sky as the highway.Fortunately the Wright Brothers envisioned and perceived in their minds the idea of people traveling by air using a different form of transportation known to us today as aeroplanes. The power of their minds made it possible for them to make their idea a reality which of course has contributed so much to the betterment of the lives of people living in their times onwards to this very day. We are very blessed to have minds given to us by our creator to enable us to think and d o the things that our minds are capable of doing.There is no limit to how much we can do when we use our minds to their fullest capacity to make big dreams that seem to be unreachable come to reality. One of the problems that prevents human kind to excel and do extremely well in life is the lack of understanding of the power and capability of their minds. To ensure one does extremely well in life, it is very imperative that there is clear understanding of how mind functions. The mind somehow is very powerful. Whatever accomplishments and achievements some people have made in life were all initiated in the minds as thoughts and ideas.These thoughts and ideas will only come to reality if we allow our minds to entertain such thoughts and ideas for the purpose of achieving positive results that will contribute to the improving of our lives. The mind is just like a plot of land where it does not care what type of plant you plant on. The mind is divided into two parts one is known as the conscious mind and the other is the unconscious mind. The conscious mind’s function is to gather information and ideas. It does not care what comes in and out.However, once we know exactly what to do to allow our conscious minds to gather and process only ideas that will provide countless benefits and advantages to our lives, we will be well on our way to a successful future. The conscious mind picks up ideas and turns them into meaningful ones which then goes to the next phase of the mind known as the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind somehow is the part of our brains that controls ideas and process them in such a way that these ideas and thoughts turn into energy or vibrations connecting to the rest of our body.These vibrations are too strong that they will always force us to perform tasks that will lead to the accomplishment or achievement of the thoughts and ideas we initially conceived in our minds. Mostly what we have in our subconscious minds become our habits. They become paradigms that control every movement and actions we do in our lives. The conscious mind will work day and night to solidify the thoughts and ideas we once have and recognise them as sound ideas and thoughts that we accept as part of our daily living.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Green buildings, global warming and clean energy Essay

Man’s failure to act today could result in an unsustainable planet characterized by warmer temperatures that may snowball out of control, it would lead to extinction of certain animal species, an increase in sea levels thus causing more natural disasters such as hurricanes or numerous diseases, less water availability in third world countries thus leading to conflicts amongst them and the spread of tropical diseases such as malaria. (Mc Carthy, 2001) Consequently, it is incumbent upon man to establish ways in which he can reduce global warming. This can be achieved by using the right kind of energy i. e. clean energy since this is responsible for emission of greenhouse gases which cause global warming. The paper shall dwell on how man can achieve the latter through green buildings. II. Claim of fact A) The major problem being tackled is that of global warming. Studies have shown that the amount of green house gases found in the atmosphere tend to stay there for a very long time. This means that global w is a harsh reality that may not disappear without human intervention. (Schneider, 2002) 1) Increased diseases and disasters Firstly, the phenomenon of global warming is going to cause warmer climates in the Northern parts of the world such as the United States. Consequently, vectors such as mosquitoes will increase tremendously. This implies that diseases such as malaria may start appearing in such countries. The future generation of Americans has a right to be protected from such a predicament because current occupants did not have to deal with such a problem. One only has to look at how some third world countries are having a difficult time handling this matter in order to understand the seriousness of the issue. Meteorological forecasts have shown that if the earth gets warmer, oceans and other water bodies will keep on rising. This means that the occurrence of hurricanes will be much more than it had been previously imagined. In 2004 and 2005, the country was plagued with very deadly hurricanes that caused tremendous damage to concerned parties. Since there is a possibility of preventing such occurrences, then individuals must carry out their responsibility of ensuring that it is enacted. (Godrej, 2001) One of the worst outcomes of this problem of global warming is extended periods of droughts and prolonged heat waves. A number of countries in the world still depend on natural rain alone to grow their crops and as sources of water. These third world countries currently face the problem of water shortage and the situation could get worse if droughts keep occurring. Such situations could cause a strain among affected communities thus leading to conflicts or war. These developing nations have provided Americans with numerous investment opportunities and any problem that arises in those regions could tremendously affect individuals within the US. (Nordhaus, 1998) 2) Economic consequences If there will be more disasters occurring in the world, then one cannot undermine the economic consequences that the US itself will be grappling with. The hurricanes in New Orleans caused losses amounting to billions of dollars. The country cannot afford more disasters such as these because its economy will begin staggering in ways that had not been anticipated. The loss of lives and property among future generations could ruin their economy and it is therefore negligent for current citizens to merely sit by without doing something about it. In close relation to the latter mentioned scenario is the emergence of tropical diseases. Developing nations spend so much money treating such diseases. Additionally, the lives lost as a result cause huge dents in their economy. The same thing could happen to the United States and other western nations if nothing is done today. (Van Arsdol, 2004) 3) Melting ice caps Lastly, the problem of global warming can and has caused melting of ice caps that could lead to other consequences as shown below; a) Rising sea levels b) Global outbalance c) Endanger plant and animal life d) Snowballing temperatures If global warming continues unabated, then chances are that ice caps will keep melting and the excess water will head to the oceans and seas. Currently, glaciers and permanent snow account for five point seven million cubic miles worth of water. If even some portions of this ice were to melt into water, then seas and oceans could rise by dozens of feet. Since this may occur gradually, then chances are that those low attitude regions will be ruined by this. (Clout, 2008) If ice caps continue melting, then chances are that the ecosystem as we know it today would be thoroughly messed up. This is largely because ice caps emanate from fresh water. If they are redirected into the sea, then the sea would loose its saltiness thus leading to a distortion of gulf currents. What this means is that ocean currents will change temperature conditions within Western Europe and North America. This means that organisms that had become accustomed to those temperatures will no longer survive in such adverse conditions. Melting ice caps will affect animal and plant life owing to the fact that these creatures will have new climatic conditions. Since not all life can change at such a fast pace or in accordance to present circumstances, then chances are that only the most adaptable will remain. This means that so many species may become extinct. Future generations will never get a chance to see such life or benefit from them. Ice cap melting can cause snowballing temperatures because ice caps are important sunlight reflectors in the world today. If they are reduced, then chances are that only the oceans will be able to reflect off sunlight. However, compared to ice caps, oceans are much darker in color yet dark colors tend to do more absorption that reflection. This implies that the earth will keep getting warmer, more ice caps will keep melting and the cycle continues. (Maslin, 2004) B) Demographics of the study The latter study will focus on the United States as the primary geographical region. However, some generalizations applicable to the rest of the world will also be done. In terms of corrective actions, the study will target some of the things that The United States citizenry can enact in order to curb this problem. Consequently, the research will focus on some of the changes that persons from all ages can enact in order to deal with such the problem of global warming. Since the highest numbers of buildings are found in cities, then this research will target Metropolitan areas within the country. III. Claim of value If man does not take action now, then chances are that global arming will exert a heavier impact on him. The situation can spiral out of control and this harms people who may not have caused it in the first place. For instance, persons in the third world produce minor fractions of carbon emission to the atmosphere but will be the first to feel the effects of droughts and other natural disasters. Global warming needs to be taken as a personal responsibility by all members of humanity. It is a known fact that the one of the greatest pollutants within this age is man. He has the ability to make conscious decisions that do not just benefit him alone but his surroundings as well. (Holton et al, 2003) A. Description of my angle 1) It is man’s personal responsibility It would be selfish to live for only today without thinking about how future generations would survive. If this earth’s forefathers had taken up the same attitude, then current generations would not have been alive today. Part of man’s responsibility is to ensure that he makes the earth sustainable for himself and his descendants too. (Lange et al, 2008) The latter view is one held by environmentalists and other individuals interested in preserving the environment. Part of what constitutes morality in man is his concern for his surroundings. If every single individual lived for himself or herself, then the world would be a chaotic place. Additionally, it has been argued that failure to take action today could lead to a great amount of risk. While some parties hold that global warming is not a real concept, the effects that could arise if the phenomenon was not real are still quite positive. The country and indeed the world would have much more to loose if it turns out that global arming is real and nothing was done about it rather than if it turns out that it was not real and something was done about it. 2) It would be costly to the economy In a report released by the UNEP during the year 2001, it had been asserted that not doing anything about global warming could cost the country up to two hundred billion dollars worth of revenue. The consultants who attended the latter conference asserted that this could rise to five hundred or one thousand billion dollars in subsequent years. If man may not be moved by the environmental issues that are affecting him, then perhaps these staggering economic figures could be shakier. 3) Whether it is a natural or man made processes is irrelevant The truth of the matter is that man has the ability to alter a natural process since this natural process is negative. Regardless of the fact that global warming may be a natural or artificial process, a rise in temperature will destabilize the environment. This means that biodiversity will decrease and so will food production. The current rising populations will not be sustained by their food production efforts and this could be very disastrous as it could cause millions of death. The latter scenario can even be compared to a practical occurrence. If one was to find out today that he or she was going to die, then it would not make sense to find out whether that death is due to natural or man made causes. All that really matters is that the person gets some help to prevent the death from occurring. Opponents of global warming may claim that this is nothing but a natural process. However, whether or not it is a natural process does not change the negative effects that it could cause to man. It is therefore essential to understand that such a global system can be altered for the betterment of society. B. Description of counter claims to this value 1) Right wing politicians and industrialists stand point Other groups claim that global warming effects are not as adverse as some people may claim. In fact such attitudes have infiltrated into political decisions within the Country. During the past presidential regime, the United States has been one of the least enthusiastic western countries in terms of its environmental sustainability policies. Some politicians believe that the country ought to dwell on â€Å"more pressing† issues such as the need for energy security. Consequently, such individuals have assented projects that increase carbon emissions in the atmosphere with little regard for the effect that this may have on the earth’s climatic conditions. In the US, industry lobbyists tend to oppose the views held by environmentalists and their actions are usually supported by right wing politicians. Traditionally, left wing politicians tend to be concerned about the overall good of society while right wing leaders tend to concentrate on building a capitalist economy. These perspectives have often led to a locking of horns when it comes to environmental issues such as global warming. (O’Hare, 2005) 2) Lack of â€Å"hard facts† Some skeptics claims that global warming as a phenomenon still leaves so many questions unanswered. They assert that there is a lack of compelling evidence to show that these effects will actually occur. In fact, some maintain that most effects are mere forecasts. In close relation to the latter angle is the fact that some scientists believe that global warming is a way in which the earth can balance off certain excesses. For instance, while temperatures may be going up in other parts of the world as a result of the phenomenon, others in the North East American region will be going down thus showing that the system will balance itself out. Adherents to this theory claim maintain that when an anomaly occurs such as a hurricane, then this will be labeled as a piece of evidence by environmentalists. These opponents further add that global warming enthusiasts tend to disregard contrary occurrences even when this is representative of common weather patterns. For instance, a study conducted along US coast lines some time in 2006 found that greater death rates have been recorded there because of increased population and wealth in these coastal towns and not as a result of greater intensities of the hurricane or as a result of global warming for that matter. Also, some scientists believe that the earth’s rising temperatures could be as result of coming out of the ice age. (Hardy, 2003)In other words, they claim that it is very normal for earth temperatures to increase since this is just a phase. 3) Business men’s stance on the matter A certain crop of individuals are not as enthusiastic as environmentalists when it comes to global warming. These individuals are businessmen whose work entails emission of carbon particles. The latter are required to invest heavily in â€Å"green† strategies that may cost their businesses a lot of revenue. Most of these business men tend to look for ways in which they can circumvent such obligations and one way in which they do this is by claiming that global warming effects are not that prevalent or they do not exists. They therefore posses ulterior motives in holding such a point of view. (Allaby, 2004) IV. Claim of policy A) Methodological plan to solve the problem The problem of global warming can be solved by embracing clean energy through the use of green buildings. Focus is on the United States because the latter country is at the centre of the world economy and its initiatives can serve as an example to other countries of the world that also need to embrace this fact. The latter country needs to pass legislations for designated residential and commercial houses to be green buildings. Statistics on the need for green buildings indicate the following;

Monday, July 29, 2019

Project Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Project Management - Assignment Example There are two fundamental scheduling network techniques known as Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program evaluation and review technique (PERT). However, use of CPM technique has greatly increased in the last many years. This technique is advantageous as it covers both scheduling and costing of projects (Meredith and Mantel, 2009). Under the CPM, a project is divided into nodes, and initial event is taken as 0 and final as n event. Time taken for completion of tasks in a project is denoted as x1, x2,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦xn. For example, a good network diagram is developed that also requires the list of all activities on the work breakdown structure (WBS). Duration of each activity is determined that results into a critical path, which is the least time for completion of a project. For a project, critical path is determined by adding the duration of activities of different paths starting from start to finish of a project as shown in the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Letters of Van Gogh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Letters of Van Gogh - Essay Example Vincent van Gogh wrote and preserved many letters during his life, which were made into a collection. Most of the letters were addressed to his brother. His total tally of letters amounts to 819, whereby 600 of this letters were to his brother Theo. Some of van Gogh’s letters were addressed to his sister Wil. One letter went to Kruysse, a friend, while other letters went to Emile and Rappard. After Vincent van Gogh had died in 1891, his wife collected these letters and addressed them to respective addressees. The letters were later organized and published in 1914. Most of the authors describe Vincent van Gogh as a man who protected even the least scrap of paper. Vincent van Gogh was both an art historian and art therapist as well. His works leads mostly to interdisciplinary articles. This article also presents a mindset and a word view which is primarily Jungian, though it has been informed by the works of Julia Kristeva. His letters also presents the unions of the opposites, the complementarities, and bipolarities, which are consistently pointed out on all the levels, which includes the lifestyles, the words, the images, and the analysis of the formal elements of art. In addition, the works of Vincent van Gogh asserts the diagnoses of bipolar disorder, which are exacerbated by the borderline personality disorder. The letters of Vincent Van Gogh depicts the literature skills as well as a unique authentic literary skills and style. His style mirrors the Balzac literature, which he had previously read and valued. His literary style also reflects the historian work of icons such as Michelet, Zola, who was a naturalist, Voltaire, as well as Flaubert.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Transactions Costs (Devolpments & Definitions) Opportunity Costs Essay

Transactions Costs (Devolpments & Definitions) Opportunity Costs (Devolpments & Definitions) finally link both ie Opportunity Costs should be considered as a T - Essay Example theoretical area there are plenty of models and empirical evidence that can help the management team to formulate a well grounded plan, in real terms the changes and the turbulences that tend to characterize the commercial markets create significant obstacles towards the establishment of an appropriate and effective business strategy. This paper examines particularly the influence of two economic variables, the transaction costs and the opportunity cost on the planning of the corporate strategy to the level that the above two elements can often interact and have therefore a more decisive role in the relevant process. The definitions and the particular characteristics of the above two criteria of ‘financial measurement’ are presented using a series of examples from their applications in practice. The findings of the literature are also been considered as crucial to the validity of the assumptions made. On the other hand, the reference to the work of Coese and Williamson h as been proved valuable to the explanation of these elements’ existence and role in the business environment. In economics and related disciplines, a transaction cost is ‘a cost incurred in making an economic exchange; a number of kinds of transaction cost have come to be known by particular names, like a) Search and information costs are costs such as those incurred in determining that the required good is available on the market, who has the lowest price, etc., b) Bargaining costs are the costs required to come to an acceptable agreement with the other party to the transaction, drawing up an appropriate contract and so on, and c) Policing and enforcement costs are the costs of making sure the other party sticks to the terms of the contract, and taking appropriate action (often through the legal system) if this turns out not to be the case’. Today, transaction cost economics is used ‘to explain a number of different behaviors. Often this involves considering as "transactions" not only

A areer in ice sculpting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A areer in ice sculpting - Essay Example When we see an ice sculpture glistening in the light we are mesmerized by the intricate designs that have the look of solid crystal.The beautiful piece of art is appreciated for its stunning form as it slowly melts away into the pool of water where it started. When the ice has melted and the sculpture gone, little thought is given to the artist that was at the core of its creation. Yet, someone took the initiative to learn this craft, to practice the trade, and apply their knowledge to generate an additional outlet for their artistry and an additional source of income. We are in awe as we wonder; how did they learn the art of ice sculpting and how do they apply it in the culinary trade For those people fortunate enough to know how to skillfully carve blocks of ice, life has been a series of instruction, catering events, and ice sculpting competitions.Learning the fine art of ice sculpting is done through advanced culinary training academies or professional associations that offer cla sses and seminars. The Academy of Ice Carving and Design offers classes that feature skill levels that start at basic sculpting for caterers to advanced classes in "sculpture skills; computer enhanced custom design; closed-cell ice engraving; multiple block fusing; [and] high-tech special effects" as well as safety and marketing (Ice Carving Training Certification Programs).

Friday, July 26, 2019

How financial crisis affected businesses in the UK economy Literature review

How financial crisis affected businesses in the UK economy - Literature review Example Thus, British faced the worst financial crisis in a number of decades; with several business operations affected, there are still aftereffects that can be seen such as the large sum of national debt. Britain also faced falling housing prices which contributed to the capital city’s despair. The Prime Minister at that time, Gordon Brown, had given a bank bailout plan which was accredited and which created a template followed by US and countries across Europe later. However, the recession was seen as persistent by the economists. The British currency had also fallen in value outside the Eurozone. Britain managed to play a major role in order to coordinate and find an international response to the financial crisis. There were G-20 meetings in April 2009 that were hosted by London, and PM Brown drafted a well-aimed and ambitious plan to fix the international financial regulations. After these meetings, the British finance ministry had to announce more bad news that the country was not breaking even on banking interventions and would probably end up losing more than $87 billion (Rayner, 2008). The financial crisis thus wiped off the country’s major banks, investors, companies, and markets. It was one of the days during the crisis when the pound suffered the worst one-day fall since 1992 on Black Wednesday. This indicated the severe global recession that was going to hit Britain and last for a very long time. The stock market had also been starting to face the shockwaves of the American corporate meltdown. Economic experts had analyzed that Halifax Bank of Scotland, Britain’s biggest mortgage lender, had lost about 13% of its value and had high risks of being immensely affected by the global financial crisis (Rayner, 2008). The royal Bank of Scotland and Barclays also had a 9% decrease in their share prices. Thus the feat grew that other major investment banks would be affected severely following the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Middle Eastern Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Middle Eastern Studies - Essay Example The Constantinople Agreement of 1915 was struck in light of the collapse of the Concert and in fear of the fall out by either France or Russia from the entente powers at the eve of World War 1. To this end, the entente powers were given right to compensation for fighting their enemies (in this case the central powers) which was primarily to be curved out of the Middle East (Gelvin). Subsequent dealings further strengthened this offer stipulating compensation to be in form of direct European control over territories under the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War 1. They included the Treaty of London and Saint-Jean de Maurienne. However, the exact genesis of Middle Eastern predicaments is the secret dealings that accompanied these treaties. Territories so formed had significant ethnic and religious differences-and therein communities-become too rigid in the 19th century that affiliations formed the basis for claiming shares in the political landscape. The present Iraq and Iran are evidence to this geo-social annexation. The US initiated the formation of the League of Nations in order to end this scramble for partitioning of the Levant and Mesopotamia which ironically have survived almost a century and still throbs at the helm of current politics and economics in the Middle East (Gelvin). European investors subsequently shunned these mandated territories and as a result industrial development languished. The United States and other western states suffer high criticisms from the pan-Arabists who view these divisions as both unnatural and deliberate. These calls stretch into voiced support against Israeli occupation of Palestine and perceived US foreign aggression on Iraq. The rallying cry for better education and health is based on two principle ideals (Richards and Waterbury): Furthermore, there seems to be congruence in economic thought of both neoclassical and Marxist economists. The former postulating

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Affordable Care Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 20

The Affordable Care Act - Essay Example The Affordable Care Act is beneficial because it has made substantial progress in reducing the number of Americans with no health insurance. Low-income residents have immensely benefited because most of them are now able to access and afford insurance. Those who gained insurance through the law have seen a reduction in disastrously high medical bills that hospitals forced them to pay in previous instances. Whether the Act has made the American population healthier is still uncertain. Similarly, there is no significant decrease in chronic illness patients, neither is there an increase of checkups (Sanger-Katz 1). It was also intriguing to learn that young Americans remain on their parents’ insurance plans until they turn twenty-six years of age. This is a positive step of the act, because traditionally, most citizens between nineteen to thirty years of age do not have insurance. In consequence, this reduced the number of uninsured Americans. Sanger-Katz affirms that most young Americans, especially college graduates, now access customary primary care doctor before the institution of the law, because they do not have to go without medical care because of costs. Even so, there was minimal change in the rest of the population in terms of access to primary care.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Scavenger Hunt Worksheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Scavenger Hunt Worksheet - Essay Example 1. Datamonitor Business Information Center provides detailed coverage of companies, industries, and countries. Included are over 10,000 country profiles, over 2000 industry profiles, and over 50 country profiles. 2. Investext Plus provides complete images in PDF format of analysts’ reports on a variety of industries and publicly traded companies. The reports found in Investext Plus can be used for access to detailed information about earnings, growth, market share, and other aspects of company and industry performance. 3. EIU ® Viewswire ® provides current coverage of political and economic trends in 195 countries. Risk analysis and economic forecasts are provided for virtually all nations. This resource is recommended for courses in economics and international business. 4. Business Insights, formerly known as Reuters Business Insight offers in-depth research reports regarding industries, marketing, and technologies. This database is recommended for courses in business and technology management. 1. Did you know that the University of Phoenix Library has librarians available to help you with your Master’s Level research? An electronic form sends the librarian a request on a topic, a journal, or any other library resource. Our Ask a Librarian service is your pathway to obtaining professional guidance and recommendations regarding your research. For those challenging topics, ask a librarian for his or her professional research assistance. 2. The Center for Writing Excellence is another fabulous tool made available to you by the University of Phoenix. Not only can you submit a paper to the grammar checker and get a corrected paper back within minutes, but you can also check your paper automatically for plagiarism to make sure you cited all of your research correctly. Along with these valuable reviewing tools are several tutorials and guides to assist you in producing the finest work possible.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Solar Powered Cars Essay Example for Free

Solar Powered Cars Essay Cars that run on fossil fuels are still standard, but many would like to replace those diesel or gas engines with alternative fuels. One promising possibility is to develop solar powered cars. Although this is not yet a reality, prototypes have been built and proven to be functional and now many researchers are trying to find ways of using solar energy to power cars. Solar powered cars would have many advantages over those that run on fossil fuels. These advantages are directly the result of the alternative source of energy. Cars that are solar powered basically run on energy collected from the sun’s rays and that means that there is an unlimited supply of the source energy. This gives solar powered vehicles an edge over those that use up the limited supplies of oil reserves. Another advantage of solar energy is that it is also free of future costs for the supply and requires very little maintenance and upkeep. This would make solar powered cars cheap to drive. Since solar power doesn’t have any emissions, the cars would also be considered clean or â€Å"green† and not have a negative impact on the environment. However, as of now there are no standard solar powered car models on the market. This may change in the near future, though, since many of the major manufacturers are also looking into this alternative source of energy and have ideas, such as adding solar panels to the car roof or to use solar energy as a power source to charge electric cars. Media Plan The medium we selected is Print media Commercial (TV) Print Medium: The Ad should be high resolute and innovated that if the customer is in market buy the product can actually picture the Ad .People we are targeting the middle class people. Ad will be advertized in Sunday Magazine The NEWS cover page as first impression is the last THE DAWN cover page as first impression is the last As many people we are targeting read news papers on weekends only and will impact them more efficiently It will help customer to Thorley read the ad and make a thought about the product, The cover page will cost on the NEW (cover page) 4’’ will cost 180000 per week And Dawn will charge on 230000 for a week Commercial (TV) Time should be exact before 9:00 headline (news) Geo News is the channel we have selected and time selected slot we are have finalized is 8:59 Time span will be 30 seconds   Geo is currently costing us 350000 per commercial, and off the peak time it will cost us 250000

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Essay Example for Free

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Essay A. What is the difference between a contribution income statement and a traditional income statement? Contribution income statement is an income statement that classifies cost by behavior (fixed cost and variable cost). Traditional income statement is sometimes called the functional income statement. It is an income statement prepared in the multiple-step or single –step income statement format which conforms to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and can be used for external financial reporting. The main difference between the two is that the contribution income statement list variable costs first, followed by fixed costs. Keeping in mind that GAAP and does not permit businesses to use the contribution income statement for financial accounting – it is used only for internal decision making purposes. B. What is the difference between absorption costing and variable costing? Absorption costing is a costing method where product cost includes all the costs to acquire products and get them ready to sell regardless of whether the costs are variable or fixed. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles requires business to use absorption costing for financial accounting. Variable costing is a method of costing where only the costs to acquire products or to get them ready to sell that vary with output are treated as product costs. In other words, only variable product costs are treated as product costs. For manufactures, the difference between absorption costing and variable costing is significant. For example, when Caterpillar uses absorption costing to determine the cost of manufacturing, its product cost includes the direct material, direct labor, variable manufacturing overhead, and fixed manufacturing overhead cost incurred to make the bulldozer. These costs are added to inventory and they are not expensed as cost of goods sold until the bulldozer is sol. However, when Caterpillar uses variable costing, product cost, includes only direct material, direct labor, and variable manufacturing overhead costs. Under variable costing all of Caterpillar’s fixed manufacturing overhead cost is treated as period cost. When Caterpillar uses variable costs are added to inventory (direct material, direct labor, and variable manufacturing overhead). Under variable costing, Caterpillar expenses fixed manufacturing overhead as it is incurred just like it does other period cost such as selling and administrative expense. F. What is the contribution margin ratio and how does it differ from the contribution margin? Contribution margin is the amount remaining after all variable costs have been deducted from sales revenue. It is an important piece of information for managers, because it tells them how much of their company’s original sales dollars remain after deducting variable cost. Contribution margin ratio is the contribution margin expressed as a percentage of sales. Contribution margin ratio can be calculate by dividing the total contribution margin by total sales or by dividing the per unit contribution margin by per unit selling prices.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Phosphorus Binders for Hyperphosphatemia Treatment

Phosphorus Binders for Hyperphosphatemia Treatment In the population of 385 individuals that have developed end stage renal disease in the United States, about 250,000 individuals have a condition called hyperphosphatemia (Fink Vincent, 2011, p. 194). This condition is defined by â€Å"a serum phosphate level above 4.5 mg/dL; it may be clinically significant at levels over 5 mg/dL† (Fink Vincent, 2011, p.195). People with kidney disease are not able to filter out phosphorus anymore, therefore resulting in excess amounts of it (Malberti, 2013). Phosphorus in small quantities are good for the body; however, if the level of phosphorus exceeds a certain amount, it can be dangerous because it can deplete calcium, which is essential to the body (Fink Vincent, 2011). An excess results in a gland in the neck to release a hormone which releases calcium out of the bones. Hence, the bones turn weak and brittle, which can eventually lead to bone diseases (National Kidney Foundation, Inc., 2013). Kidney failure leads to increases in ser um levels of phosphorus. In the absence of end-stage renal disease, hyperphosphatamia is treated with â€Å"phosphate excretion using saline infusion (volume diuresis) and diuretic administration† (Fink Vincent, 2011). Drugs used to treat this are oral phosphate binders, since they decrease the absorption of phosphate (Provider Synergies, L.L.C., 2009). In the paper, the different types of phosphorus binders that are used to treat patients with hyperphosphatemia caused by End Stage Renal Disease and how does their chemical composition affect their effectiveness as drug will be explored. A wide range of phosphate binders is currently available for the treatment of hyperphosphatemia in CKD patients. These agents are generally divided into two main classes: calcium-based binders (calcium carbonate and acetate) and calcium-free binders (aluminum hydroxide, lanthanum carbonate, magnesium carbonate) (Malberti 2013). Since current phosphate binders are similar in the effectiveness of lowering serum phosphorus levels, the main considerations are the adverse reactions, gastrointestinal tolerability, absorbability, and cost-effectiveness (Malberti, 2013). Aluminum hydroxide is a potent phosphate binder, but â€Å"concern about skeletal, hematological and neurological toxicity led to a favored use of calcium salts (carbonate and acetate) in the 1990s† C. The KDIGO recommend avoiding long term use of aluminum hydroxide especially in patients with chronic kidney disease stages three to five (Malberti, 2013). Calcium acetate and calcium carbonate are often considered curre nt standard therapy, since they very effectively lower serum phosphorus levels. Thus, these two calcium-containing binders can be considered comparable for efficacy in control of hyperphosphatemia, effects on mineral metabolism restrictions and tolerability (Provider Synergies, L.L.C., 2009). Sevelamer carbonate has shown comparable efficacy and safety to sevelamer hydrochloride in dialysis patients and is indicated to lower serum phosphorus also in hyperphosphatemic chronic kidney diseases stage 3–5 patients not on dialysis (Provider Synergies, L.L.C., 2009). Dose titration of sevelamer can help patients with either chronic kidney disease stages 3–5 reach a high rate of phosphate control (Arroyo et al., 2014). Lanthanum carbonate is a non-calcium-based phosphate binder supplied as a chewable tablet of three dosage strengths (500, 750 and 1,000 mg of elemental lanthanum) that has been shown to be effective in reducing phosphorus in short-term clinical trials (Malberti, 2013). Calcium and aluminum salts are commonly used. Nevertheless, calcium salts can lead to hypercalcemia and metastatic calcification because of high calcium-phosphorus (Ca Ãâ€" PO4) and aluminum salts are very toxic (Malberti, 2013). Chronic management of hyperphosphatamia included treatments with calcium-free phosphate binders like sevelamer hydrochloride [Renagel] which may reduce long-term mortality by preventing the cardiovascular complications that associated with a high Ca Ãâ€" PO4 product (Provider Synergies, L.L.C., 2009). In 2003, the National Kidney Foundation released rules and guidelines about how to manage hyperphosphatemia and bone-related disorders in patients with renal impairment (NIH., 2012). The Kidney Disease Quality Outcome Initiative (NKF-K/DQOIâ„ ¢) states that patients who are on dialysis should have serum phosphorus levels between 3.5 to 5.5 mg/dL (1.13 to 1.78 mmol/L) (National Kidney Foundation, Inc., 2012). Treatment options include â€Å"reduction of di etary phosphorus, phosphate binding therapy, and removal of phosphorus by dialysis† (Provider Synergies, L.L.C., 2009). Magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) is a phosphorus binder with advantages in terms of cost, safety and tolerance and it has a similar efficacy to other drugs. This source assess the effects of replacing aluminum hydroxide [Al(OH3)] with MgCO3to help treat patients with hyperphosphatemia (Malberti, 2013). MgCO3 is another type of phosphorus binder but is not as commonly used as calcium acetate or sevelamer hydrochloride (Malberti, 2013). Twenty- one patients with â€Å"phosphorus 3) as the only binder. Then there was a conversion to MgCO3 â€Å" (Arroyo et al, 2014). Hyperphosphatemia decreased from 4.52 ±0.99 to 4.02 ±1.07mg/ dl (P=.027),. In patients who were previously taking MgCO3allowed good control of serum phosphorus in hemodialysis patients who were previously well controlled with Al(OH3), MgCO3 â€Å"permitted good control of serum phosphorus levels even though there was a slight increase in serum magnesium†, but that had short-term clinical significance (Arroyo et al, 2014). Aluminum hydroxide is a powerful binder and was historically used to treat patients with hyperphosphatemia, but because of its high toxicity levels (Floege et al. 2014). Patients were selected from a hemodialysis unit that had adequate control of serum phosphorus levels and were on Al(OH)3 binder monotherapy and required continuation (Arroyo et al, 2014). A study was conducted that tested the efficiency of a new iron-based phosphate binder. PA21 (sucroferric oxyhydroxide), a â€Å"novel calcium-free polynuclear iron(III)-oxyhydroxide phosphate binder, was compared with that of sevelamer carbonate in randomized, controlled phase III study† (Floege et al. 2014). Seven hundred and seven hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients with hyperphosphatemia received PA21 1.0–3.0à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ °g per day and 348 received sevelamer 4.8–14.4à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ °g per day for an 8-weeks, followed by 4 weeks without dose change, and then 12 weeks maintenance (Floege et al. 2014). Efficacy was maintained to week 24. â€Å"Mild, transient diarrhea, discolored feces, and hyperphosphatemia were more frequent with PA21; nausea and constipation were more frequent with sevelamer† and he PA21 maintenance dose was superior to the low dose in maintaining serum phosphorus control (Floege et al. 2014). Thus, PA21 was effective in lowering serum phosphorus in dialysis patients, with similar efficacy to sevelamer carbonate, a lower pill burden, and better adherence (Floege et al. 2014). PA21 (sucroferric oxyhydroxide) is a â€Å"new calcium-free polynuclear iron(III)-oxyhydroxide phosphate binder with a high phosphate binding capacity over a wide pH range† (Pennick et al 2012).12 It is formulated as flavored, chewable tablets that disintegrate easily in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, bind phosphate across the whole physiologically relevant pH range, each contain 500à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ °mg of iron, and may be taken without water (Floege et al. 2014). Phosphorus binders decrease the absorption of phosphorus in the gastrointestinal tract (Provider Synergies, L.L.C., 2009). They are â€Å"simple molecular entities but can also be polymeric structures that bind with phosphorus in the body and form an insoluble compound† (Provider Synergies, L.L.C., 2009). Some binders work as a sponge and soak up the phosphorus in foods while others bind to the phosphate and are then excreted (NIH., 2012). Calcium-containing salts are used to bind with phosphorus and to increase calcium levels. The most commonly used calcium containing salt is calcium acetate (PhosLo) (Provider Synergies, L.L.C., 2009). Sevelamer (Renagel, Renvela) is a non-calcium, non-aluminum, non-magnesium, non-absorbable hydrogel that binds phosphorus. Sevelamer comes in two salt forms – sevelamer hydrochloride (Renagel) and sevelamer carbonate (Renvela) (Provider Synergies, L.L.C., 2009). Sevelamer yields the same reduction in serum phosphate levels as calcium ace tate but does not have the same risk of hypercalcemia since it does not contain calcium. Lantanum carbonate (Fosrenol) is another phosphate binder (Provider Synergies, L.L.C., 2009). Lantanum has a high affinity for phosphorus and is part of the lanthanide series. It reacts with phosphorus to form the insoluble compound lanthanum phosphate(Provider Synergies, L.L.C., 2009). When calcium acetate and sevelamer hydrochloride were compared for efficiency, 84 patients were randomized to calcium acetate or sevelamer for eight weeks (Arroyo et al., 2014). A similar result was observed between the calcium acetate and sevelamer (sevelamer -2.0 ±2.3mg/dL versus calcium acetate -2.1 ±1.9 mg/dL) (Arroyo et al., 2014). However, Hypercalcemia (serum calcium >11 mg/dL) was observed in 22 percent of patients receiving calcium acetate (Provider Synergies, L.L.C., 2009). These are the various types of phosphorus binders used to treat patients with hyperphosphatemia caused by End Stage Renal Disea se. The chemical composition affects their cost, toxitity, and how they work inside the body. There are new discoveries as discussed about the iron based phosphorus binder. This type of phosphate binder is being tested further in clinical trials to make it available to the masses.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Confusion Behind Computer Advertisements :: Media

The Confusion Behind Computer Advertisements Advertising is the key ingredient to a company’s success, so it’s pretty common for a company to go to extreme levels to sell their products. â€Å"There are six basic consumer behavior decisions when it comes to creating a desire for a brand name or product. 1. Problem Recognition: The consumer decides that he or she needs something. 2. Search: The consumer gathers information about ways to satisfy this need. 3. Evaluation of Alternatives: He or she weighs the plusses and minuses of the alternatives. 4. Decision: The consumer decides what to buy. 5. Purchase: He or she buys it. 6. Post purchase Evaluation: The consumer decides whether he or she bought the right thing. In realty, human beings are resourceful enough to find what they need without ads† (Kaufman, 2004). However, ads do as much damage as it does good. Pushing more and more ads down consumers’ throat is not going to necessarily make them want to buy that product; Internet pop-up ads are a prime example. The abundance of ads is not the only problem. Many ads can be misleading in what they are really trying to sell you; Dell is a good example of misleading ads. Travis a dell computer customer writes in an Internet complaint, â€Å"we ordered a dimension 8200 series but we were late in receiving the camera kit. When we did receive the camera kit it wasn’t the right one for that computer, but Dell still wouldn’t take it back because it was already past the 30-day warranty† (Travis of Kalispell, MT, 2004). Best Buy is also guilty of using misleading advertisement, which leads to even more serious accusations. Katherine of Hartsdale (2004), NY wri tes, â€Å"for Christmas my mom bought me a Playstation 2 and several games. One of the games wouldn’t work so I tried taking it back to Best Buy.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Agony Ang The Extacy, Ethical Considerations Concerning Mich Essay exam

Michelangelo Buonarroti was a natural born artist. As an artist he was capable of different mediums of expressing his artistic talent. However he much preferred sculpting out of them all, it made him most satisfied. When Pope Julius II experienced Michelangelo’s painting he insisted that Michelangelo share his talent with the rest of Italy. Julius II also commissioned Buonarroti with other artistic projects but none were as important as that of the Sixtine Capella(Sistine Chapel). Michelangelo didn’t want to paint the ceiling of the chapel, it was too large of a project and even more he didn’t want to paint at all. He was an excellent painter but he just didn’t have the same motivation as he did with sculpting for example.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My goal in this short paper is not to educate the reader with the facts and life of Michelangelo Buonarroti, but to discuss, non-persuasively, the ethical and philosophical situations throughout his life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I will start with his most well known accomplishment, the Sistine Chapel. At the time of his assignment he made it clear to Pope Julius II that he did not want to undertake such a big project. Not only was he concerned with the size of it; he wanted to have complete freedom with what he was to paint. Considering these facts was it ethical for the Pope to force Michelangelo into devoting years of his life to doing this job that he didn’t want to do in the first place? Or one could ask, was it eth...

My Life with Thoreau Essay example -- How Education Has Changed My Life

It was my high school teacher, Anna Shaughnessy, who introduced me to Henry David Thoreau. His Walden was not part of the course of study. She asked whether I knew of this Massachusetts writer. I didn't. Without scaring me off by proclaiming how great he was, she said he had lived and died in obscurity. But not like some romantic poet in a dusty garret. He had done all kinds of work for a living-been a schoolteacher, surveyor, pencil-maker, gardener, carpenter, mason, lecturer, naturalist, as well as keeper of a personal journal into which he wrote two million words. "Thoreau was born in 1817, about a hundred years before you," Miss Shaughnessey said. "But I think, when you read him, you'll find his ideas, his way of looking at life, will mean as much to you as if he were born yeste...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Analysis of Ryanair Essay

Ryanair established in 1985 carrying more than 5,000 passengers between its route Waterford Airport in Ireland to London Gatwick during its first year. The company expanded by 1989 had 350 employees, 14 aircraft and carrying more than 600,000 passengers a year. In 1997 there were dramatic changes in the European airline industry with deregulation of European Union air transportation allowed airlines to open new routes into Europe. The European Low fares association reported that low fares airlines are carrying more passengers than before with an increasing number of destinations in Europe set to increase from 38% to 53% in European travel (, 2011). Ryanair took advantage from the deregulation with routes from London Stansted to Stockholm, Oslo and Paris. By 2001 Ryanair launched its own travel website and within 3 months received 50,000 bookings (, 2011). The report will focus on the low cost industry environment by identifying the opportunities and threats as well as five forces of the external environment. The report will also identify the strengths and weaknesses of Ryanair. Part 1: Low cost Airline industry The low cost airline industry has become the most profitable with all segments in the market with low prices and high load factors. This strategy has been challenged since the 1990s with the liberalization of services allowing new entrants to compete for business (, 2011). The low cost airline industry operates all activities by reducing costs in order to gain strategic success and competitive advantage. This approach has a lot of opportunities as well as threats. Political Governments in the UK have the highest tax compared to Germany with a $1.3bn departure tax and Austria’s similar $119m duty tax (, 2011). The threat of passengers paying higher prices as a result of increased tax for their airline tickets can lower profits for airlines. This can affect low cost airlines such as Ryanair and Easyjet as the higher taxes cut profits for the company for example Easyjet stated they had lost  £21m of its  £153m in 2011 (, 2011). Acts of terrorism can also be a major threat to the airline industry. Initiating further routes is an opportunity for low cost airlines to other destinations in Europe with its growing economy and additional 15 EU countries that joined in 2004 such as Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Latvia can offer new opportunities for new routes to increase the number of passengers(Delfmann, 2005). There has also been a threat with the plans to sell Stansted airport, the main location for low budget airlines after the Competition Commission to reduce its dominance in the market. This will bring greater competition to low cost airlines and benefit passengers with more low fare airlines from regional airports such as Gatwick and Stansted competing more (, 2011). Economic The threat of rising oil prices caused global airlines to lose $16 billion in profits which did rebound in 2010 with higher traffic. The threat continues with oil prices averaging $110 a barrel and estimated to further increases in the industry’s fuel bill which will rise from $10 billion to $176 billion (, 2011). This threat has also been warned by Willie Walsh, the chief executive of British Airways and Iberia who cautioned that European carriers have to bear the impact of the high fuel costs with some operators having to go out of business (, 2011). The recession in 2008 resulted in travelers seeking cheaper fares and led to growth in sales for budget airlines. This opportunity during recession allows budget airlines to take advantage and of more travelers seeking low fares with budget airlines rather than more expensive airline tickets. With the higher oil prices, natural disasters in Japan, discontent in the Middle East, North Africa and can force competitors in the airline industry to increase prices and fuel surcharges which pose major threats to airlines profits and survival of airlines. Social The growth in demand for passengers seeking low cost airlines for cheaper fares is an opportunity for budget airlines. People are living a better standard of life with declining inequality of incomes made up mostly of middle class income people. People are also more well-travelled, experienced and seek new destinations with the growth of vacation property (Goeldner and Ritchie, 2009). This is an opportunity as budget airlines frequently service short haul destinations for short trips or weekend trips for leisure or business purposes offering more destinations and new experiences to people with low fares. Migration has also made commuting a factor with people seeking employment opportunities and education as a motive for travelling as well as the rising quality standards has shown to expect growth for low cost airlines (Gross and Schrà ¶der, 2007). There are significant opportunities for low cost airlines that can benefit from the demand of increasing passenger from various destinations and purposes. Many people also seeking new destinations is a good opportunity for budget airlines to increase passenger numbers and revenue by providing different destinations of regional airports. Technological The increasing popularity of information technology is an opportunity for low budget airlines as they don’t use travel agents to sell tickets and allows consumers to be informed about schedules, compare prices and itineraries as well as flights with other airlines (Pease etl al., 2007). The new ‘saddle seat’ which is designed to allow 23 inches of legroom compared to 30 inches on a normal seat space and shaped to sit at an angle increase the number of seat for an airline (, 2011). The seats offer an opportunity for low budget airlines such as Ryanair and Easyjet to allow more storage space and more passengers in a plane which can increase revenues. The opportunities in technology allows airlines to take advantage of potential revenues with the internet offering direct marketing for customers and value added service by bringing offers to the customers directly. The opportunities for of the new seats can offer planes to fit more passengers and is a further potential a growth in revenue for budget airlines. Legal The airline industry has considerable regulations with issues concerning legislation and guidelines. For example low cost airlines have aggressive advertising campaigns to emphasize low fares which have become an issue with consumer protection legislation. Separate details of surcharges such as government tax, airport tax and fuel surcharge have to be included so that it does not consumers are not misinterpreted and misunderstood when buying a ticket. This is a threat to low cost airlines as it disregards the concept of low fares with all the taxes passed on by governments and aviation authorities. Low cost airlines can be substantially threatened with EU regulations and laws which can lower profits and damage the reputation of an airline with a negative image. Environmental Natural disasters such as the 2010 Iceland Volcano which caused 14,000 Ryanair flights cancelled. Costs of the 2010 Iceland disruption to the global airline industry soared to  £1.1bn according to estimates from the International Air Transport Association (Iata) (, 2010). This threat to the airline industry faced by natural disasters such as the Iceland volcano can occur at any time and stop people from travelling costing airlines major disruptions with delays or cancellations. Emissions used by the airline industry have been increasingly growing rapidly over recent years, increasing 98% between 1990 and 2006 with predications of further increases to another 88% by 2050. This threat to the aviation industry enforcing airlines to pay for carbon dioxide and lower profits (, 2011). Porter’s five forces Porter points out the five forces which consist of bargaining power of suppliers, buyers, threat of potential new entrants and threat of substitutes to the industry. A company can adapt to the forces in order to increase chances of gaining sustainable competitive advantage and profitability. In understanding the strategic decisions a company has to make, it can be useful to look at the five forces of rivalry amongst the firm, substitution, new entry, the power of customers and the power of suppliers. Figure 1.1: Porters five forces Source: (Fouris and Oswald, 2006) Barriers of entry: to obtain aircrafts is extremely expensive and acquiring a basis at airports is also difficult (Gross and Schrà ¶der, 2007). With the success of Southwest airlines and deregulation and liberalization of the airline industry has allowed 40 budget airlines in the airline such as Easy Jet. This level is high as a result of these factors. Substitution- for the short haul flights, the substitute products include car, train and boat services. Travelling by train is clearly a substitute choice for travellers as it is high speed or travelling by car with the many motorway links available can have an impact. Technology can also be a substitute, for example business travellers may choose to conference skype calls over the internet. This level is moderate as flying is the main method of travelling long distances at a shorter time. Bargaining power of buyers: consumers can now purchase their own tickets from low cost airlines and can choose airlines with for higher level of quality, better service and lower price. Customers have the power to easily switch to another product that have lower prices with the ease of the internet (Hitt, et al, 2008). This popularity of comparison internet sites allows passengers to compare flight prices and choose the lowest cost airline of their choice. Therefore to survive with these intense factors airlines have to provide lowest fares to attract customers which is important for budget airlines and as a result the power of buyers is high as they consumers choose lowest fares causing risk of survival to an airline. Bargaining power of suppliers: Airlines rely heavily on the inputs for the company to survive which would be fuel, materials for the planes, services and manpower. Airlines either use Boeing or Airbus together with high maintenance fees, training staff. Additionally with the increase of cost for fuel to $50bn in 2011 resulted in travelers paying higher prices for tickets (, 2011). Therefore these inputs have high bargaining power over airlines as it can affect profits of an airline substantially. Competitor rivalry: may occur from price competition, product differentiation, advertising against other competitors is likely to affect the business (Bowhill, 2008). The intense rivalry occurs between low fares carriers are Ryanair, Easyjet and the carriers that provide ‘frills’ service with lower fares are British Midland Airways. Rivals also have to invest high capital investment and have a unique selling point to attract a large majority of customers and offer significant discounts and special offers. According the annual reports of Ryanair and Easy Jet, in 2010 Ryanair carried over 66 million passengers in comparison to Easy Jet carrying just 34 million. Therefore the airline’s low cost model delivers increased revenue and passenger growth as customers seek cheaper flights and benefit from price wars between airline fares. However budget airlines are still affected by rivalry with Ryanair and Easy Jet competing for customers flying with no frills airlines and the level of competitor rivalry is moderate. Conclusion Finally the analysis has demonstrated the attractiveness for the budget airline based on the ease of entry regulations and with the low expenditure costs lower than charter airlines that provide more service. The unstable environment has led to an increase in fuel costs with airlines paying heavily for their supply and in contrast the unpredictable economic environment has caused consumers to spend less and look for cheaper travel and prefer budget airlines such as Ryanair. Even though there is intense rivalry between airlines, budget airlines have an attractive strategy with more airlines using the low cost model to compete for passengers. Part 2: Internal analysis The internal factors of Ryanair’s concerns strengths and weaknesses to assess the extent to which the strategies for the airline in order to be successful, these summarizes the internal business environment and the capabilities (Johnson et al., 2002). The strengths of Ryanair are: The company has a successful low cost model benefitting from low expenses by using staff to clean the plane, passengers have to pay to print boarding pass reducing the need for staff at check in desks and take advantage of the internet to sell tickets. Ryanair’s low fares are aimed at encouraging demand especially with price sensitive leisure and business travellers that might choose alternative forms of transport method. Ryanair have set fares on the basis of demand on particular flights with higher fares on flights that have the highest demand for bookings booked nearer to the date of departure. Ryanairs competitors also do not operate on comparison sites and save commission or fees to other comparison websites. The company loses fewer bags and with 88% punctual flights compared to competitor’s ant explains why the company is a favorite airline for customers with over 73 million passengers in 2010 (, Annual report 2010). Flights to secondary airports: the company offers point to point service on short haul flights to secondary and regional airports around the major hub centers and cities. The point to point routes rather than hub airports allow the company to provide direct nonstop flights and avoid the costs of providing services through connecting passengers, baggage transfers and transit passenger assistant costs. By choosing secondary locations allows convenience for a large majority of the population and is generally less crowded than in major airports. This has also resulted in on time flights, faster turnaround times, less terminal delays as well as more competitive airport access and handling costs or operating restrictions that can reduce expenses (Ryanair Annual Report, 2010). Low operating costs: Ryanair maintain low operating costs as a low budget airline company and aims to reduce costs in main areas which include: aircraft equipment, personnel productivity, customer service costs and airport access and handling costs. Weaknesses Ryanair have been negatively perceived as arrogant as the company does not take into consideration the competition by putting other low fares airlines out of business creating a bad image with negative media. Ryanair is viewed as not caring too much about customer needs or problems which reflect O’Leary’s opinion that customers pay low prices and get a good deal therefore should expect low standards. There have also been complaints for the extra payments for fees and taxes as well as paying higher prices for stowing luggage and onboard food and beverage. The company has also come across as having a negative reputation by having underpaid staff that are disciplined for any mistakes, work long hours and unhappy staff with staff (, 2011). The company also charges  £5 for every purchase using bank card,  £40 for printing a boarding pass at the airport and  £100 for changing the name on the booking. Therefore customers often have to pay a lot more than they expected which makes Ryanair’s image appear dishonest (, 2011). Porters value chain The generic strategies are concerned with the strategies of the company and at the micro level by exploring Porters model of the value chain. The value chain classifies the activities of the company and divided into primary and support activities used to identify the cost leadership strategy as illustrated in appendices b. The core competencies of Ryanair consist of maximizing revenues whilst providing a no frills low cost strategy and keeping logistics simple. This is maintained by Ryanair’s capability to lower operating costs such as aggressive online booking reducing the cost of staff and operate in secondary airports using Boeing 737-800. Through simple services and investing less on employees, Ryanair core competencies provide effective and efficient resource management. The primary activities involved in the inbound logistics of Ryanair consist of its 272 Boeing 737-800 planes that can carry 189 people and agreements to secondary airports. Ryanair have contract agreements with these large aircrafts with the ability to fly long hours and do not charge fuel surcharge (, 2010). Operations: Ryanair have lower unit costs as part of its operation and save costs through lower handling fees, landing fees in secondary airports and fast turnaround times with the capacity to utilize the aircraft at a shorter time. Ryanair operate in 1,110 routes and 1,400 flights a day from 44 bases. The efficiency of its operation supports the low cost strategy position with fast turnaround times, no meals on board and improved employee productivity (, 2010). Financial analysis The strengths of Ryanair are quite clear. The company has been profitable with an increase in profits of 26% to â‚ ¬401m and operating profit increase by 28% to â‚ ¬516.2m in 2011. The figure below illustrates how the company increased passengers by 8% and revenue 16% by 2010. Figure 2.1: Summary Table of results (IFRS) in Euro Source: (, 2011) Figure 2.2: Summary table for EasyJet Source: (, 2011) As seen from the tables above it can be clear to differentiate the profit revenues. Profit after tax for Ryanair in 2010 was â‚ ¬138 million and for Easyjet was just  £121 million. Revenue for Easyjet in 2010 was  £2, 973 million in 2010 and  £2, 66 million in 2009 compared to Ryanair’s revenue in 2010  £18 million and  £16 million in 2009. According to Ryanair’s annual reports, revenues rose by 16% to â‚ ¬896.8m due to an 8% rise in traffic and a 5% increase in average fares in 2010. Ryanair has been able to gain a growth in revenue even during the financial recession which had a significant effect on other major airlines resulting in bankruptcy and closure. Due to its cost efficient methods through increased passenger traffic with its new routes and low prices Ryanair has been able to uphold its place as the number one low cost carrier. This difference also shows in Ryanair’s current ratio at 1.79 in 2010 compared to Easy jet only gaining 1.33. Conclusion From the internal analysis it is clear to see Ryanair’s low costs strategy means it is less affected than its competitors with its cost leadership. This has required the company to gain a large market share whereby it has purchased large quantities of planes and low cost operations has made shown that cost leadership is the only way to work for the future and globally. Ryanair has built a low cost culture however still needs to pay close attention to the external environmental factors including governmental policies and increased cost of fuel. The core cost savings mentioned has made the company highly successful with its short haul routes with standardized no frills services, higher seating density and its ticketless reservation system. Ryanair have succeeded by becoming a successful airline in Europe with the Southwest airline model and managed to grow its market segment of price sensitive customers through its no frills service. Bibliography Afuah, A. (2009) Strategic Innovation: New Game Strategies for Competitive Advantage. New York: Routledge. Beech, J. and Chadwick, S. (2006) The business of tourism management. 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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Are Judges the Makers or Discoverers of the Law? Essay

The tantrums of the latter three jurists atomic number 18 very complicated and need feature attention. It is also pertinent to note that no one has explored the views of leading judges and jurists in Pakistan to know which theory of adjudication they support. This work analyses rough of the prominent stopping points given by some(prenominal) of the notable Pakistani judges ? muhammadmuniriiu. edu. pk. Dr. Muhammad Munir, PhD is sort Professor and Chairman Department of legal philosophy at the Faculty of Shariah & Law, International Islamic University, Islamabad and Visiting Professor at the University College of Islamabad.This view is sh atomic number 18d by policeyers, law teachers, law students and judges alike. The prevailing mentation of in all those persons who deal with law in one way or the new(prenominal) in the IndoPak sub-continent or in the AngloAmerican legal world is that a decision of a court of law, especially a court of last resort which explicitly or imp licitly lays down a legal proposition, constitutes a source of law. The richness of precedent can be gauged yet by the fact that almost all authors from the above-mentioned regions treat precedent as a source of law.The above view may be undisputed in our own times but historically and jurisprudentially, it has always been disputed. Ascribing authoritative force to a precedent is to some extent grounded on the assumption that court decisions are a source of law and that judges are entitled to make law in much the same sense as the legislator. The role of the judge in the lick of adjudication as a law manufacturer is the subject of disagreement and debate. Many celebrated jurists, among them Bacon, Hale, and Blackstone, were convinced that the office of the judge was notwithstanding to declare and interpret the law, but not to make it. 2

Tuesday, July 16, 2019



IntroductionLeadership and management, these are two words we use on daily basis. But the questions like how do we realise good leaders, what qualities, attitude, style and behaviour do they exhibit, are frequent. The ability to lead is not connected to education, although most leaders what are intelligent people. Many qualities required for a leader are also possessed by managers.Although it is unique to everyone there are a total number of common ways.I think, by developing our leadership skills, we are assured a more rewarding and successful career. There is no doubt that, leadership potential can be developed. With commitment, effort and practice, anybody can move beyond the skills you how are born with to be an excellent leader.â€Å"The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born—that there is a genetic factor to leadership.Leadership differs to direction.

Bennis. Globalisation has resulted in diversity. To maximise contribution, each organisation and its managers are now challenged with creating inclusive cold working environment. They need to understand effective leadership style and culture to build trust and effective relationship.There are various means of considering leadership, that vary extract from focusing on the character traits of leadership that is excellent to highlighting facets of the scenario that help determine how folks lead.The strategies how that were effective yesterday are not necessarily effective in the same situation today†-QuinnLook more:  strategic management process essayIn order to face the growing competition in the market, it is very urgent for organisations to build potential leader. Developing strategic management and leadership skills should be a part of organisations’ actions.1.1 Explain the link between strategic management wired and leadership Strategic Management consists of t he analysis of any organisation, decision making and necessary actions in order to create and sustain competitive advantages.It is merely one of many other assets a thriving manager must possess.

Usually it is considered as the responsibility for the overall direction of the organization sums up what strategic management is all about. It can consider also define as the process of identifying and executing the organisation’s strategic goals (mission, vision and objectives) by matching its capabilities with the demand of its environment.Strategic senior management contains a set of managerial decisions. Leadership is the ability of a person to get other willingly to follow.Its something which is accomplished when a individual motivates individuals in a group.Equally, a good leader free will also be a manager. Majority of practical people are interested primarily in what they have to do, and not whether it should be labelled ‘leadership’ or ‘management’ or both. â€Å"It is very true that I have said that I considered Napoleon’s presence in the field equal to forty thousand other men in the balance† —Duke of Wellington. Difference between strategic management and leadershipManagement| Leadership|Intended to plan, organize, co-ordinate and evaluate| Job is to inspire and motivate| management administrate the organisation| Leaders innovate | senior Management tries to maintain the organisation| Leaders tries to develop| Focused on system and structure| Focuses on people|They focus on the present situation | They look towards future| React to problems logical and issues| Proactive to issues and problem| Prefer to control| Knows how to delegate|Minimising risk| Taking risk|  There are thousands of examples for leaders in the world.Leadership and top management arent synonymous.

2 Analysis of impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decision There are different leadership and management styles. Different various styles work well in different situations. They are based on different assumptions and theories. Strategic decisions taken by leaders depend upon their style.Leaders that are supportive understand and good sense women and men feel.2. Democratic styleThe leader involves employees in the decision making. This kind of style is usually appreciated by the employees or subordinate. how This style would bring problems in a situation where there are wide ranges of opinion and there is no well-defined way of taking the first final decision.They also need to make sure they manage change effectively.

Transactional leadershipThe assumption behind this kind of leadership is that people how are motivated by rewards and an organisation work well with a clear chain of command. This kind of leader works thorough creating all clear structures. Subordinates duty  will be well defined and also the reward they get for following the orders. Punishments are not always mentioned, but they how are also well-understood and formal systems of discipline are usually in place.Your leaders are the best factor on your companys capability.Transformational leaderThis style is based on the assumption deeds that employees will follow a leader who motivates them and a person with vision and passion can achieve anything. Transformation strong leadership start with the development of a vision, a view and path to future. That will excite and converter the employees. Transformational religious leaders are so committed always.Youre a pioneer, even in case you dont know it.

Understanding the situation 3. Applying appropriate skills and techniques.Leaders having different styles empty can have different levels of key elements. So the way and level in which they identify their personality can differ."Every leader has a certain style of political leadership thats innate.Especially when a strategic decision needs to made quickly. The impact of this style is for many people, this style feels harsh, a first great possibility of demotivation. Rest of people  assured leader can demonstrate consideration and compassion for team while using the Autocratic style, even though the team is not directly involved in the decision. There are situations in which leader wants input from employees or teams.Leaders are common now.

There is a more common thought that leaders who listen considerately to their follower’s opinion before making final decision get good result as compared to non-listeners. In the case of democratic style, the leader gives up ownership and control of a decision and allows the group to vote. Advantage of this own style is fairly fast decision, and an amount of group participation. No organisation or leader can implement a single style to deal with the multitude of decision that needs to be made during change process (Nancy, 2007).It could mean the folks who own and short run the company.Charismatic leadership style got few drawbacks. The complaint against Lord Browne was administration by media and business associates fuelled his charismatic new style and he ignored day to day core business activities.1.3 How leadership styles can be adopted to different situations? Success of an political organisation or a group dependent on the effectiveness of the leader.When employees are empowered theyre more prone to make decisions which are at the very best interest of the particular client and the organization also.

Leaders must be up to date of the situations. Leaders must be prepared to step in and show the way in all kind of situations.Different style can be adapted to different situations in relation to 1. Business- situations 2.Are such far more likely to reveal their very own loyalty the moment it matters.We know that high risk situation needs very strong and active direct involvement by the leader to keep it control. The people or team members: – In every organisation, there will have different different kind of employees or members.Differ by characters, talents, skills, attitude etc. identifying the team members is a tough task.IT leadership theory Learn the best way to be.

He made a resolution to transform GE into one of the world biggest firm. With his unique leadership style and character, Welch made history during his 2-decade journey at GE. His way of leading was based on some concepts. Lead, not manage:- according to him political leadership can be found in as long as they come up with good ideas and can energize rather than depress and control.Face reality: – good company was losing its market values and there was too much bureaucracy when Jack Welch joined the company. He realised the social realities and brought out strategies and  initiatives that made things better. Simplify the business: – his goal at GE was simplify the business. He didn’t think deeds that business had to be complicated.It can mean opportunities, good ideas, new business or new products (kevin, 2007). Lead by more energizing others, not managing by authority: – Welch called his leadership ideal ‘boundary less’, which means an open organization, free of bureaucracy logical and anything that prevents the free flow of ideas, people and decisions (kevin, 2007). His choice was inspiring others to perform well. red Lead by doing- one of the leadership style adapted by GEInformation technology is critical to the future of GE.The basic assumption behind the theory is that individual characteristics’ make how them suitable leaders only in certain situations. Each situation requires a leader to vary behaviour to fit the conditions. In other words, there is no right or wrong way in leading all the time. Fred Fiedler’s contingency theoryIn 1967, Fred Fiedler proposed his contingency theory.

According to Fielder, the direct relationship oriented style is more effective in situations which are intermediate in favourableness. When an intermediate situation is present, the leader can self help to build confidence and cohesion by focusing on the personal needs of the individuals (Henman, 2007). Hersey and Blanchard theoryIt is another situational theory. This economic theory was introduced 10 year after Fiedler’s theory.That is, followers are not mature or immature in any total or chronological sense; rather, they have varying degrees of maturity depending on knowledge of or experience with a specific goal (Henman, 2007). Leader-style theoryThis theory was introduced by Vroom and Yetton. They explain the different ways leader can make decisions and necessary following guidelines for leader in order to determine the extent to which subordinate should participated in decision making. Charismatic leadershipCharisma, as explained by Max Weber, is a certain good qual ity of individual personality, by virtue of which he or she is apart from ordinary people and treated as a personality with exceptional power or qualities.An effective leader needs to diagnose the needs and wants of followers and then react accordingly.The impact of different theories of management on organisational strategy will be different. giant IBM needs extraordinary leaders who can create high-performance work climates and foster employee engagement; people who not only succeed but enable others to as well. A disciplined process of identifying and developing high achievers and leaders has been a main stone of IBM’s strategy to regain market political leadership in the IT industry.As Fiedler explained, task oriented leaders are very effective when conditions are favourable or unfavourable. When conditions are favourable, members relations how are strong, there is a positive relation between team and leader. Hence new strategies can bring and work it out well so easily. In unfavourable certain circumstances or in stressful situations, a leader’s structure and control can remove undesirable ambiguity and the anxiety that goes with it.

2.2 Create a leadership strategy that support organisational direction Leadership strategy for General ElectricsThe General Electric Company, or GE, is an American multinational conglomerate corporation incorporated in New York. Company operates in five sectors via energy, technology infrastructure, capital finance, consumer andindustrial.It old has been almost a decade since Jack Welch retired as GE’s chairman and CEO, the brain behind the success of GE.If we consider their way in which they lead, and how their decisions, it is clear that they preferred transformational leadership style. Even though both used the same style, Jack Welch had been more opposite extreme than his successor. Leadership strategy: – choosing a best leadership style is the major step in leadership strategy. Leadership at company such like GE is very crucial.It is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long-term goals and includes assessing followers’ motives, satis fying their needs, and treating them as full human beings†- (Northouse). The reason behind the selection of this leadership style is this style motivates the followers. The leader and followers are full well aligned in this system. A transformational leader can motivate the followers by setting challenging goals.We have seen the different leadership style and their impact on organisation. Even though, no particular leadership style is better always. It depends on the situations. The best style GE can use is transformational leadership because of based its unique advantages.

The leaders should have collective capabilities like providing direction, motivate the followers, engaging employees in decision making and to gain their active support in implementing planned cross-functional actions, implementing successful innovations, adapting to change, ensuring transparency just like former leaders, developing talents logical and being responsive to customers like Jeffrey Immlet. Since the corporate strategy is becoming more global, it require greater cultural sensitivity among leaders, enhanced representation of different geographies at top level, enhanced language skills to enable cross cultural relationships and greater understanding of local laws and business arrangement in strategy making.3.1 Use appropriate different methods to review current leadership requirement We know the important of leaders.These programs build perfect foundation for accelerating  learning and development in a particular domain, from commercial to operations, from human res ources to information management, from finance and communications to modern technology (GE, Leadership Programs, 2013).There are more than 300,000 employees in GE. The company operates through different sector. GE consistently ranks as the most admired and respected new company in the world.CEO of GE believes that ideal situation for a global firm was to have its factory on a barge that you could first move around the world to wherever it was the best competitive environment at the time. Their strategy is to expand business globally, instead of just looking for alliances.Fast moving anti Globalisation opens new opportunities for a global firm like GE. Hence leadership requirement at GE is tremendous.But they need leaders not only in quantity great but also in quality.3.2 Plan for the development of future situations requiring leadership Requirement of leaders in the GE increases. Leaders are logical not only required in the top level but also in the various bottom levels also.

Leadership Programs: – GE has various leadership programs. As part of their strategy to achieve commercial excellence and drive organic growth, they are developing a pipeline of strong sales logical and marketing leaders at GE through  the Commercial Leadership Program (CLP).CLP offers a curriculum that boosts the development of commercial skills and various techniques that are critical to success in all GE businesses. CLP prepares candidates for a successful career in sales or first commercial operations by providing the opportunity to learn about GE’s products, industry, and customers while making valuable contributions to the on-going success of GE.As compared to their profit growth, they need more to build leadership qualities in their employees. Human resource leadership program: – In GE’s Human Resources Leadership Program people are gaining real-world business experience, contributing to GE businesses and getting in first line for HR leaders hip roles across the company.HRLPs can build countless HR leaders within GE. Experienced commercial leadership programs: – The Experienced Commercial Leadership Program (ECLP) prepares time MBA graduates and experienced professionals for GE leadership roles in marketing and sales.But under certain specific condition, they need specific skills. The more basic skill required for leaders are explained below.Integrity: – this is the basic quality of a leader. This quality makes people trust the leader.They can speak openly logical and accurately about their limitations. Self-regulation: – People who are in control of their feelings and sudden  temptation are able to create an environment of public trust and fairness. Appropriate self-regulators are usually thoughtful and resist making impulsive decisions. These are definite qualities of a good leader.

Communication skills: – to deliver leader’s idea properly, private communication skill is very necessary. A good communicator can pay attention and listen carefully. Lead by example: – One of the best ways to red lead is by example – use where needed, lending a helping hand, and making sure that the work you do is clearly understood by apply your team. Leadership skills strataplex: –Leadership skill requirements are often described as being stratified by organizational level.They are comprised of those skills related to basic cognitive capacities, such as collecting, processing, and disseminating information and learning and are the fundamental skills required for a large portion of the activities in which political leaders are engaged (Mumford, 2007) .These skills include skills like oral communication, written communication, ability to learn and adapt etc. 2. Interpersonal SkillsThese are skill relating to interacting keyword with and influe ncing others.Strategic SkillsStrategic skill requirements are highly conceptual skills needed to take a systems perspective to understand complexity, deal with ambiguity, and to  effect political influence in the organization (Mumford, 2007). This includes skills for planning, visioning etc. â€Å"Leaders are not born, they are grown†- this is the word by the heavenly father of management, Peter Drucker. Leadership ability is not an inborn skill most times.1. Entry level program or Commercial leadership program (CLP) is an example for it. The CLP is a 12 to 24 month program that develops marketing and sales skills through a strong very core curriculum and challenging assignments. 2.

The ECLP program consists of three, eight-month rotational assignments within the marketing and sales functions of one of GE’s businesses (GE, Experienced Program, 2013).4. normal Operation management Leadership program (OMLP): OMLP accelerates development of entry-level talent and produces leaders capable of meeting the challenges facing the Operations, Supply Chain, Manufacturing logical and Quality functions at GE (GE, Entry level program, 2013).4.Commercial leadership program (CLP) provides candidates with valuable training, personal experience and exposure to a team of motivated colleagues and helpful mentors that can accelerate their careers. HRLP (Human Resource Leadership program) has created countless generations of HR leaders at GE. The program continues today and still focuses on taking talented people, providing forgive them with globally diverse challenging experiences, and developing them into world-class HR leaders. Candidates will have formal training, ro tation, seminars, business molecular simulations and community service activities.Another way of developing leadership skills is to get familiar with your followers. It will great help you in understanding their feelings and their needs, which in turn will help you in managing preventing their needs. Different plan for the development leadership skills includes conducting seminar, training programs, meetings, job rotations etc.ConclusionThis assignment is used to explain the important link between strategic management and leadership.Style should be adapted according to the business situation, team members and culture of the organisation. Different leadership theories are discussed in the assignment. Situational theories and contingency theories have been applied. The situations in which different theories can be applied are explained.

In this competitive world, organisation best can only sustain if and only if they can bring strong leaders.There are different ways of enhancing the leadership skills for future requirements. And there should be a plan of developing these skills. The new plan should cover all the current and  future needs for leadership and is helpful in the overall progress of the organization.Leadership style : A powerful model. TJ. Derue, S. (2011).Entry level program. Retrieved 2013, from http://www.Retrieved may 5, 2013, from GE. (2013) GE. (2013, January 1). Leadership Goleman, D. (2004). Leadership That Gets Result.

Monday, July 15, 2019

How Are Syariah Laws Being Currently Applied in Malaysia Essay

Islam had been realised in Malayanananananana by the fourteenth century. malacca targete, cardinal of the Malay demesnes in Malaya, emerged as a Moslem realm below grand Turk Iskandar Syah and his successors. By the early on fifteenth century, it had incur a jampack play of keen immenseness in due south due east Asia. This brought an reverse to the g every(prenominal)placenmental number for for and pagan find of the Hindoo and Buddhist powers oer the Malay Peninsula. This brought an mop up to the policy-making check into and cultural de hunky-dory of the Hindu and Buddhist powers oer the Malay Peninsula. Malay ordering and its equitys were influences by sight and ideas from conf utilize Moslem countries.This be hit Islam itself came to this domain from opposite countries, viz. the Arab countries, India and eve China. The rectitude used in malacca was Moslem legitimateity in c erstwhilert with Malay accustomed uprightness. Malay frequent faithfulness whitethorn in addition referred as to as Adat Melayu. In 1511, malacca crumbe was conquered by the Lusitanian. However, its unmanageable to position a fitting forecast of the healthy growth during that bound. Although Malay universal im break d knowledgeiality was continue d holdstairs Portuguese conventionality and by and by by the Dutch, during their seduction of Malacca in 1641, it was fin eithery replaced by face justice during the British closure of Malaya informant from 1786. reasons and traces of Moslem juristic view and institutions atomic number 18 designate in Malay integrity. lyric and ideas from the Moslem ratified administration appoint their focussing into the legion(predicate) treatises on traditionalistic Malay impartiality. They atomic number 18 appoint in the Melaka compend (Undang-undang Melaka or Risalah Hukum Kanun of 1523) and the Pahang hurt of 1596 with a later supplement, and in the Kedah carry go out 1606 containing interface rules. tho certify is effect in the eighteenth century, 99 honors of Perak and in the Johor project of 1789. in the end the Jewish-Orthodox Moslem whole kit of the Shafiee rail of Moslem reasoned philosophy, such(prenominal) as the treatises on the constabularyfulness of marriage, divide and certainness of electric razorren were translated in Malay. The Majalah al-Ahkam al- Adliyyah (The Mejelle), a hang of Moslem well-manneredisedised clean-living plays of the whiff Empire, was overly translated into Malay and recognized as the honor to be honoured by the Johor acts in 1914. Moslem impartiality, macrocosm an trade rightfulness of nature, evolved d 1 a period of 6 centuries of development. Its tinge on the rustics legal arrangement was out-of-the-way(prenominal) reaching, redden until the early part of the place century.This is well(p) illustrated in the occurrence of Laton v Ramah, where the tribunal of compendium held that Muslim fairness in peninsular Malaya was non exotic faithfulness scarce local anaesthetic use of truthfulness, the truth of the solid ground which every court must(prenominal) take juridical nonice. and during the post British compound period, Muslim impartiality has been reduced in sizeableness and its import has further declined afterwards the independence. The one-ninth memorial of the national temper, legislative assembly Lists (List II- State List) provinces The Muslim legal philosophy is downstairs republic authority. to each one earth enacts its own mandate with legal power over it. each state has its own Council of Islamic worship and Malay fashion and the Kadis motor inns. These courts pay limited legal power on persons professing the Islamic religion, and barely(prenominal) include in this list, merely shall non make jurisdiction in mention of offensives move out yet as centred by fede ral Law. The Muslim Courts (Criminal jurisdiction ) comport 1965 No. 23 of 1965 provides that the jurisdiction of the shariah fair play Courts Shall non be exercised in admire of each criminal offense penal with duress for a landmark particular(a) 6 calendar month or with some(prenominal) fine especial(a) one cardinal dollars or with twain.Its been a questioned among the stack or so the operation of hudood equity in Malaysia since in that location atomic number 18 distinguishable types of ghostly and beliefs the nations uphold. galore(postnominal) peck hold with the death penalty whereas any(prenominal) disagreed with the screw. Basically, hudud is the roughly pixilated and tight Islamic law for resorting to visit those offenders through carnal means. The render of the hudud law cause Malays feargond the law and they argon not sterilize for the murder of hudud laws as at that place be leave out of grounds on the claim of a priggis h specimen on the Islamic roughshod law. match to professor Dr. Mahmood Zuhdi Abdul Majid of IIUM, he say If we do not politicise it, we Malays be inflexiblely deposit to apparatus hudud in Malaysia, just now if we were shade at hudood as a brassal chip in a go at it, thusly it becomes a occupation, He excessively tell that wrong laws should be impose on all citizens because Islam does not classify on whether you are a Muslim or a non-Muslim. Besides, PAS had decided that it forget prove original amendment in the parliament to make the hudud law once the Pakatan take over the federal administration. fit in to our actor President, Dr.Mahathir Mohammad, had utter his dissatisfaction on the carrying out of hudud laws in Malaysia which pass on cause an outrage work bench system. For an instance, a Muslim who pull an offensive activity pass on be penalize correspond to hudood law, which is a knockout penalization whereas the non-Muslims who a ffiliated the selfsame(prenominal) offence leave alone be penalise tally to civil law which is more than lineal. He similarly commented that in that respect is cypher mentions in the leger well-nigh the weighty punishments and he urged Muslims to follow the simple sources of Islam, script rather of the hadith or hadith which are essentially those interpretations of the Quran.Furthermore, Nibong Tebal MP, bronze football tee Beng state Kita president, Zaid Ibrahim confessed that non-Muslims can be punish under the hudud criminal reckon enactments. He added that Shariah laws that cosmos honest in Malaysia are base on civil and family legislation, which governs single Muslim matters. The topic is debate as hudud law can be apply if the federal Constitution revise which requires absolute majority votes from the members of Parliament. establish on UMNO Minister, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom view, he tell that hudud Law lead neer go out any preserve on No n-Muslims.The government is wondrous that there are distinctions of views and thoughts on this issue among Islamic scholars and jurists and a research train to be do in the beginning the hudood law apply in Malaysia, so that the penal cypher is fair to all, complies with Allahs conditions and is in ossification with the Malaysia legal system. He also added that if hudood law is to be utilize in Malaysia, the Syariah Court would only give way jurisdiction over those who practice Islam in gibe with the federal Constitution, the autonomous law of the Federation.though the issue on the drill of hudood law in Malaysia is indecisive stage, the performance of Shariah law does not endure its position. The Islamic law that is in force in Malaysia wholly is not genuine Islamic law alone whitethorn have been influenced by pen laws judicial decisions and ordinary law. For an instance, the scripted laws, especially, those enacted beforehand independence, may lour Islamic law. and so in Ainan v Syed Abu Bakar, it was held that the authenticity of a child should be find by the Evidence statute (F. M. S. ) and not consistency with Islamic law.